Thank you for your interest in becoming a contributor here at Be Loved Christian Journal & Community! It only takes three simple steps to complete the sign up process before you are ready to publish. So lets begin!
Step 1. Sign up! Fill out your profile information below which will be included on your feature page. Every contributor has their own feature page! Your feature page tells readers all about you, your interest, affiliations, causes, and more. Include your business info, social links and personal blogs to connect your community with your readers!
Step 2. Create! First choose your title. Which position would you like to be considered for at Be Loved? Pick from a variety of titles to apply for such as: writer, editor, researcher, graphic designer, reporter and more. Next, choose from 4 pre-designed writing templets to publish your work on a weekly, bi-monthly or monthly term. The four templates include:
Picture With a Message. Include a photo that you have taken or created with complementing scripture that has spoken to you from your daily devotionals with Jesus.
Simply Scripture. Pick any scripture or passage from your weekly bible studies that inspires you and will inspire others too!
Essay. Choose a question, topic or meditation that God has given you insight on. Write an article, 3-10 paragraphs long that unpacks your revelation to your readers. May include various forms of media such as video, book links, pictures, illustrations, etc. MLA citation.
Moving Illustrations. Share your graphic design, art, photography or movie shorts with our readers! Upload any image and text design that represents a message you have received from God! Graphic design, hand illustrations, or any mixed media, please convert to a common digital format, such as jpegs, Create a film short that tells a story or conveys a biblical message! May include interviews, reporting or local broadcasting of relevant regional commentary or events. please submit in common format such as mp4, QuickTime, or provide link.
Step 3. Publish! Now you are ready to submit your work for edit and publishing! Simpy upload your creation, tag your work, and choose your topic category. Our editors will notify you if any changes are made before publication. Sample categories include:
Writing Categories
Family Matters
Work and Professional
Daily Devotionals
And more...